
Excerpt from Chapter 8 (p. 229)

Push, pull, struggle, and test characterize the vigor with which we avoid wrath and steer clear of those who deserve it. Like the predilection towards oneness, this too is a natural and universal instinct exhibited by human beings. The aim is to thrive among people who are not of those who have deserved wrath. Some New Thought authors say the word “not” is misunderstood by the universe, so that if you discuss wrath you will get wrath. Their warning is to be careful how you speak because the objective focus of desire in a sentence (wrath) is responded to or served, while adjectives or modifications (not) go undetected. This is overridden, however, by the emotions beneath the words. The most deeply felt emotions will drive manifestation, not the light words admitting confession or requesting correction. If the deepest feeling is love for and attachment to those who earn wrath or are astray, this will override the request not to be of them.
The universe definitely understands everything, and not, as a preventive word, stated without fear or other disqualifying emotions, is understood as a request for negation. If the prayer is to not be of those who earn wrath, and we know wrath is the opposite of blessed, then by using not our request is clearer. Those who earn wrath also receive blessings, in some way, because the Creator is merciful. Since we have already asked to be of the blessed, the follow-up must distinguish further that we want to associate with the blessed ones who are not afflicted by wrath. We have to be as clear about what we do not want as what we do want (even though the latter is not our concern, because we are given more than we could ever want if we abide by the principles). Our overarching desire is to be guided and among the blessed, not misguided and among those who experience major upsets often.


TRIGGERED. The deep anger of wrath may prompt any sin, because fear is at the root of it, preventing clarity, appreciation and courage. If you tell little white lies and are in the habit of bending or stretching the truth, you may be functioning inside of the deep anger of wrath. To lie is to refuse to Name things properly. As to the other principles, the Praise of lying brings with it the intention to control. Mastery is present as the art of deception. You Alone, the spiritual connection, may be absent because you cannot Unify without sincere praise and hide instead. Your ego is served and worshipped, and this is the ego of the unconscious collective, not the merciful, forgiving part of you. You Ask for respect and may Receive what you deserve instead of what you really want. The result is push-pull-struggle, which often encourages additional lying. The avoidance becomes cyclic and a habit. You have been triggered by life and cannot get around the pushed button. This can become dangerous.
Wrath as extreme anger is murderous and suicidal. It will crush your nervous system and senses, and shut down your internal organs. You die within, and maybe very slowly, from the poisonous drip of angry emotions diluted or liquefied by negative thoughts. The body eventually expires. Health scientists around the world say anger is stored in the spleen and liver, and problems in these areas expose the depth of this emotion. Wrath expressed in a sudden manner is usually an emotional outburst. My brother got so angry he drove his fist through the wall. Most of us do not want to be around people who must hit something when they are triggered. We call them powder kegs or short fuses. We do not want to earn their wrath.
Extreme anger frightens and blocks us, stopping the flow of truth. It causes grief and dissipates body-mind strength. It may be triggered by life events that have you immediately push back to defend or save yourself. This concentrated action avoids wrath with a singular objective—to remove the fear prompted by the one-time aggression or injury. When the perpetration of danger is long lasting, however, the response to the triggers will be long lasting as well. Ongoing engagement in push-back, and in angry feelings invites more of the same in a circular, karmic manner. This describes oppression and the legitimate response—fighting it. Oppression is worse than slaughter. (HQ 2:217)


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